We invite you to participate in the study!

What do you know about yourself? How aware are you of your own resources and how you can use them on the labor market? Discover your potential!

You are on the mymigration.org research portal, where you will get feedback on your psychosocial capital and find out how your situation is compared to other people.

About My Migration

What is www.mymigration.org?
This is the door to getting to know your potential on the labor market.
Each of us is good at something and enriches our resources throughout our lives.
MyMigration is a tool that helps in INTEGRATION THROUGH COMPETENCES in the labor market, at every stage of the professional career and in every place.
“MyMigration” makes three sense.
For people who:

1. have experienced going abroad to their own country, lived and worked there or are still there

2. have not experienced living and working abroad, but may experience migration within a given country, mobility on the labor market through changing jobs, breaks in employment, promotions or starting their own business.

In this research study, you will learn about your four key capitals: human, psychological, social and economic.
You can use the obtained feedback in job interviews or for a promotion, or attach to your CV and portfolio for use in the labor market.
The feedback you will see in the portal can take two forms: direct feedback, where your results will be calculated and results for other people will be shown, and indirect feedback, where there is a social background on which you will be able to see and compare.
Only you have access to individual results and it is up to you whether you share them with anyone, e.g. an employer.

Anonymous scientific study

Please be honest. There are no right or wrong answers to the survey. We will ask you about your capital, personality, professional situation, and migration experience (if you have any).

Stages of the study

First, we will ask you some general questions (about your age, gender, work situation, migration experience, etc.). Further examination is divided into FOUR parts, each of them takes several minutes to complete. You don’t have to answer all the questions at once. You can fill in each part separately, at a time convenient for you, after receiving an individual code. Write down your code (e.g. on a piece of paper or in a Word file), it will allow you to return to the next parts of the study.

After completing each step of the survey, you will receive feedback from us that will help you get to know yourself better and adjust to the labour market. The feedback will first appear on the website of the portal, and after completing all the tools, you will be able to download it in PDF version and add it to your professional portfolio.

If you are ready, start participating in the study!


Do you understand the above information?

Research consent

I hereby give my consent to participate in the study aimed at measuring the psychosocial capital of people with different socio-demographic characteristics. I would like to inform you that I am aware that participation in this study is voluntary. The obtained results are confidential, which means that the individual data obtained from the participant will not be disseminated in a way that enables the identification of the person, but only processed for the purpose of scientific elaboration. In case of questions or doubts, at each stage of the research, and after its completion, please contact the person responsible for the project (Prof. Izabela Grabowska, igrabowska@kozminski.edu.pl) or the portal coordinator (Dr. Agata Jastrzębowska ajastrzebowska@kozminski.edu.pl).

After reading the information presented above

This research project has been created by scientists from Kozminski University. The research project is funded by the National Science Centre Poland, Grant No. 2020/37/B / HS6 / 02342 OPUS.

The portal was inspired by the project My Morality led by
Dr. Mariola Paruzel-Czachura.